How to take care of your jewellery

All jewellery made of natural materials will change over time.

Brass that is left untouched will develop a layer of tarnish over time, and so will silver and copper. I personally like the tarnished look, but some people don’t. And regardless if you like that patina or not, I invite you to take care of your jewellery. I believe that if we take care of our possessions they become more valuable to us and we then enjoy them more. So here’s some tips on how you can take care of your jewellery.


Keeping all of your brass jewellery as dry as possible will prevent that green film from forming on the skin (it’s caused by the oxidation and it’s simply a copper carbonate residue that is left on the skin).

  • If you want to make your brass shiny again, here's info on how to clean the brass parts of your jewellery: 


Since most of my jewellery only have certain parts that are silver, some of the ways of cleaning it (by soaking it with aluminum foil and baking soda for example) won’t work, since soaking the jewellery in different solutions can weaken or damage the rest of it. This is however two different ways that you can try to clean the silver parts of the jewellery with.

  • Mix 1 deciliter lemon juice with 1 teaspoon olive oil. Dip a clean cloth in the mixture and gently rub the silver parts of the jewellery. Rinse with water and dry off with a clean cloth.

  • You can take a toothbrush and/or cloth and gently rub the silver parts of the jewellery with ketchup, dish detergent or toothpaste. Rinse with water and dry off with a clean cloth.


Household chemicals such as cleansers, cosmetics, hairspray, and perfumes can damage the structure of gemstones, causing dullness and eventually change the color. Consistent, regular cleaning prevents the buildup of harmful chemicals and keeps stones clear of elements that could potentially cloud or scratch them.

  • Be careful not to scrub jewels. Instead, cleanse your semi-precious stones using warm water, a drop of soft detergent, and a gentle brush. Rinse thoroughly and wipe with a soft cloth and allow to dry completely.


If the wood gets dirty, wash it carefully with a soft cloth and a mild soap. Dry it immediately after washing.

  • If it dulls over time then you can use a small dab of beeswax to polish it. Use a polishing cloth that’s intended for polishing instruments.


Jewellery should be stored at room temperature, away from direct sunlight, and ideally somewhere with low humidity to avoid tarnishing. If you keep your jewellery in a cotton or velvet pouch, or in a jewellery box, they don’t scratch against each other.

When you buy jewellery from me, I include a pouch or another container for you to store your jewellery in.


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